Own Art 0% Finance

We're pleased to be able to offer clients interest-free credit to purchase original artwork, sculpture and decorative furnishings from Oil Art Advisory through the OWN ART scheme.


Own Art is a national initiative that makes buying contemporary art and craft affordable by providing interest-free credit for the purchase of original artworks and reduces the financial barriers and perceptions of elitism that commonly exist within the art market, by making it easier and more affordable for people to purchase and enjoy original art and craft, regardless of their income and socio-economic background.


This government backed scheme is facilitated through OWN ART and is supported by Arts Council England, Creative Scotland and Arts Council of Northern Ireland with the aim of inspiring more first time art buyers, and easing financial barriers to art purchases.


Since 2004, the scheme has enabled more than 83,000 customers to get access to the art they love. Delivered through a network of over 300 galleries across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, Own Art has so far supported over £75 million of sales of contemporary art and craft to UK customers.



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