A warm welcome to artist Dr. Dave Colton
While most of us were bored out of our minds during the Covid19 lockdown of 2020/21, Dr. Dave used the time productively and produced a series of humorous drawings that would lead to the publishing of his book, Anarchy in the Art Gallery.
Each work is a conglomeration of unrealised scenarios. A series of 'what-ifs', not limited by time or space; mixing characters, places, events and situations to create fresh and interesting new possibilities... Lowry paints science fiction, Jane Austin is a cage fighter, Magritte takes his driving test...
We have a total of 51 of the original, coloured pastel drawings which were created by Dave for the book and these are available to buy from the website or directly from the gallery. Selecting the framed option will get you the original work, beautifully framed and mounted under glass.
He also created two more series of drawings, which are also online and available to purchase: Tales from the Office, created prior to the Anarchy... series of the book, and Anything can happen in the next half hour, which brilliantly depicts scenes from children's TV programs in the 60s and 70s.
Dr. Dave has put his PhD in contemporary art philosophy to good use and some of the joke references everyone will know, but if not, the fun is finding the original to unearth the punchline!