Artwork Category Filters

Previously, the art on our Artworks page could only be filtered by the category: eg. figurative, abstract, landscape and so on.


We've now added the ability to filter the artwork by additional criteria such as size and price range. The sort order can be adjusted too. Select from price, (low to high or high to low), artist name, artwork title or recently added using the drop-down menu.


Note that the filters are "stackable". For example, setting the category to "abstract" and the sort order to "recently added" will display the abstract category with the latest artworks at the top of the page. 


The filters also remain active until toggled off. So if the abstract category is selected, followed by the figurative, both will be shown at once.



Clients now have the ability to bookmark and link directly to a page with a filter already preset:

Some Examples:

Latest Artworks

Abstract Category, ordered by most recent

Wildlife Category, ordered lowest to highest price



The ability to sort by an artwork's dominant colour will be added at some point in the near future.






10 Jun 2024
of 40